Job Market Watch

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We'll assess your situation, compare it to the success of 35,529 hires, and deliver personalized support to help you land a job faster.
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For how long have you been looking for a job? *
How many job applications have you made so far? *
How many job interviews have you got? *
How many offers have you got? *
Are you looking for a remote job? *
What is your desired job title?? *
What is your salary expectation for your next role?
How much time can you dedicate to your job search weekly?
How do you usually find job openings?
Do you think your resume needs improvements?
Are you getting too many rejections?
How confident are you about getting hired in the next three months? *
What is your email address? *
Whatsapp number
Add the country code first. A career coach will get in touch with you if you need extra help.

Individualized Job Search Strategy Report

Your score vs the other talents

We’ve analyzed your job search performance and compared it with 31,320 other professionals since January 2024.


Job Market Watch chose ZeroGaps for its talents because of its impressive 42-day average time to get hired (TTGH) and affordable services. Please note that Job Market Watch does not receive any commission for the services you request through ZeroGaps.

We help those who need it the most.

We negotiated discounts which are based on your score. Please note that JMW does not get any commission from ZeroGaps coaching services (resume review, resume rewrite, apply on your behalf etc).

25% Discount code to use on (all programs)
Code: 9W3PWZ8UGW

15% Discount code to use on (all programs)
Code: R50LP03LYJ

5% Discount code to use on (all programs)

Job Search Duration

You’ve been job searching for less than 1 month. There’s no need to worry at this stage—just keep up the effort and avoid wasting time.

We wouldn’t worry too much at this stage, but the time it’s taking to land a job may start to impact your resume. We recommend having your resume reviewed and considering a career coach to apply on your behalf. ZeroGaps offers comprehensive support, including resume writing, job applications, and securing a role to feature on your resume during your search, at around $179 per month. Alternatively, you might consider aiApply, an AI auto-application tool that is free with features costing about $80 per month and performs well. JobCopilot does a decent job applying automatically and cost about $9 per week.

We understand that you’ve been spending a lot of time searching for a job, and it’s clear that your current approach isn’t yielding results. The extended duration of your job search may start to negatively impact your resume. It’s crucial to take urgent action to avoid the risk of prolonged unemployment. We recommend having your resume reviewed and working with a career coach to apply on your behalf. ZeroGaps offers comprehensive support, including resume writing, job applications, and securing a role to feature on your resume during your search, for around $179 per month. Alternatively, you might consider aiApply, an AI auto-application tool that costs about $80 per month, or JobCopilot, which costs about $9 per week and also performs well.

Number of job applications

You’ve just started applying for jobs! With the job market being saturated, persistence is key. If you'd like to streamline your job applications, we recommend ZeroGaps "Apply4Me" which has proven to be very effective.

Focus on what works! With the saturated job market, persistence and a solid strategy are crucial. To streamline your applications, we recommend ZeroGaps' "Apply4Me," which has proven very effective. Additionally, consider networking on LinkedIn or joining Slack communities through the career coach (free).

Focus on what works! You've been applying for jobs for a long time with minimal results, so it’s crucial to shift your strategy. In the saturated job market, persistence and a solid approach are key. To streamline your applications and improve your results, we recommend ZeroGaps' "Apply4Me," which has proven very effective. Additionally, enhance your job search by networking on LinkedIn or joining Slack communities through the career coach, which is free.

Number of job Interviews

Congratulations on securing at least one job interview—that’s a significant achievement! Be sure to thoroughly research each company and role before your interviews to maximize your chances of success.

If you're not getting job interviews, it could mean your resume isn’t performing well or you’re not applying to enough—or the right—jobs. If you don’t take action now, you risk continuing to receive rejection emails. Contact the career coach to find out how we can assist you.

Number of job offers

That’s fantastic! You’re doing great. Keep up the momentum—your next opportunity could be the perfect fit.

Sorry to hear that. If you're landing interviews but not receiving offers, it likely means you need to enhance your interview skills. Consider working with a career coach or practicing with mock interviews to improve your performance.

Challenges faced

Don’t worry—many of our talents face similar challenges. Remember, time is money, and the longer you're unemployed, the greater your opportunity cost. We recommend speaking with the career coach as soon as possible to create a plan that will help you secure more interviews and offers.

By completing this assessment, you agree with our terms of use and privacy policy.

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