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Best job search techniques based on the feedback of 5,000+ people who got hired in 2024​

Effectiveness Score

Turn on Auto-Apply​

On average, job seekers spend 11 hours per week searching and applying for jobs. This precious time could be better spent elsewhere. Let AI handle your applications instead. In 97% of cases, AI is more effective…


Effectiveness Score

Apply in the first 24h

Applying for jobs within the first 24 hours is crucial because early applicants often receive greater attention from recruiters and hiring managers… 

Effectiveness Score

Get a mentor​

Getting a mentor can significantly enhance your job search and career development. With mentors’ guidance, you can expect 2-4 times more application responses through profile optimization,


Effectiveness Score

Join a Slack community​

These communities offer a supportive network of professionals who share job leads, industry insights, and advice on navigating the job market. Members can get feedback on their resumes…

Effectiveness Score

Tailor resume to jobs​

Tailoring your resume to each job you apply for is crucial because it highlights the skills and experiences most relevant to the position, increasing your chances of getting noticed…


Effectiveness Score

Avoid being seen as unemployed

To avoid appearing as unemployed on LinkedIn, it’s beneficial to highlight activities that demonstrate your ongoing engagement and commitment to personal and professional development…

Effectiveness Score

Develop new skills during your job search​

Developing new skills during a job search is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it keeps you engaged and productive, filling gaps in your schedule with meaningful activities. Secondly, acquiring new skills expands…


Effectiveness Score

Start a side project during your job search

Starting a side project during a job search period offers numerous benefits. It keeps you busy and engaged, ensuring that you use your time productively while waiting for job opportunities.

Best hiring techniques base on the feedback of 3,400+ recruiters who hired talents in 2024.​

Effectiveness Score

Hire Talents on Toptal

Recruiters should hire Software Developers on Toptal because of its rigorous vetting process that ensures access to top-tier talent. With Toptal, recruiters…

Effectiveness Score

Use an Automated Screening Software

Recruiters should use an Automated Screening Software because it streamlines the initial screening process, allowing them to efficiently filter out unqualified candidates based on predefined criteria.


Effectiveness Score

Use an AI-powered platform ATS

Recruiters should consider using an AI-powered platform ATS to hire software developers because it offers several key advantages. Firstly, AI algorithms can quickly scan and analyze a large number of resumes…

Effectiveness Score

Hire Talents on Upwork

Recruiters should consider hiring Software Developers on Upwork for several reasons. Firstly, Upwork provides access to a vast pool of talented developers from …

Effectiveness Score

Use AI Sourcing

Recruiters should embrace AI sourcing to hire developers because it brings numerous benefits to the recruitment process. AI-powered sourcing tools can quickly scan and analyze vast amounts of data from multiple sources…

Effectiveness Score

Mention if the job is remote or on-site

Recruiters should always mention whether a job is remote or on-site when hiring developers because it significantly impacts the attractiveness of the position. Remote jobs are increasingly sought after by developers due to the flexibility, work-life balance, and ability to work from anywhere. 

Effectiveness Score

Use AI-generated notes during interviews

Recruiters should utilize AI-generated notes during interviews when hiring software developers because it enhances the efficiency and accuracy of candidate evaluation. 


Effectiveness Score

Source on Linkedin

LinkedIn’s advanced search filters and AI-driven recommendations streamline the sourcing process, helping recruiters find the most qualified candidates quickly and effectively.



What are the most effective job search strategies in 2024?

Auto-Apply: A significant 82% of job seekers recommend utilizing the auto-apply feature, simplifying the application process for multiple positions.

Timely Applications: The majority, 77%, advocate applying for jobs within the first 24 hours of posting, capitalizing on early opportunities and potential recruiter attention.

Utilizing Slack Communities: Nearly 60% suggest leveraging Slack communities for job leads, networking, and industry insights, tapping into specialized online communities.

Professional Resume Review: About 53% recommend getting your resume professionally reviewed, ensuring it’s polished, impactful, and aligned with industry standards.

Networking with Former Colleagues: Nearly half, 48%, highlight the importance of reconnecting with former colleagues, tapping into existing networks for job leads and referrals.

Tailoring Resumes: Close to half, 47%, advise tailoring your resume to each job listing, showcasing relevant skills and experiences to stand out to recruiters.

Strategic Application Timing: Around 39% suggest applying in the evening or early morning during the week, potentially increasing visibility and avoiding application rushes.

ATS-Friendly Resumes: A third, 33%, stress the importance of crafting resumes that are Applicant Tracking System (ATS) friendly, optimizing chances of passing initial screening processes.

How to stand-out on Linkedin

Use a professional photo, write a strong headline, craft a compelling summary, list relevant skills, obtain endorsements, and engage with industry-related content to improve visibility and credibility. Avoid marking yourself “Open to Work”.

How has the job search process changed in 2024?

Highlight unique skills and experiences, demonstrate adaptability and continuous learning, create a strong online presence, and provide quantifiable achievements in resumes and cover letters.

How has the job search process changed in 2024?

Employers are seeking skills in technology, data analysis, cybersecurity, remote collaboration, digital marketing, and emotional intelligence. Soft skills like adaptability, communication, and problem-solving are also highly valued.

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