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Millions of people change careers every year


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Self-Assessment and Research

Identify Transferable Skills: Evaluate your current skills and experiences that can be applied to your desired career. Highlight transferable skills such as leadership, problem-solving, or project management.

Research Career Options: Investigate potential careers of interest. Consider job market demand, growth potential, required qualifications, and alignment with your interests and values.

Networking: Connect with professionals in your target industry through networking events, informational interviews, or online platforms like LinkedIn. Seek insights into the industry culture, skills needed, and potential job opportunities.

Effectiveness Score


Skill Development and Education

Acquire Necessary Skills: Assess if you need additional training, certifications, or education to qualify for your new career. Look for courses, bootcamps, or online programs that offer relevant skills and knowledge.

Gain Practical Experience: Seek internships, volunteer opportunities, or freelance projects in your desired field to build practical experience and demonstrate your commitment.

Continual Learning: Stay updated on industry trends and developments. Participate in workshops, webinars, or conferences to expand your knowledge and skills continuously.

Effectiveness Score


Get a mentor​

Create a Career Change Plan: Develop a step-by-step plan outlining short-term and long-term goals for transitioning into your new career. Set realistic timelines and milestones to track your progress.

Seek Mentorship and Guidance: Find mentors or career coaches who can provide guidance, advice, and support throughout your career transition journey. They can offer insights, feedback, and help you navigate challenges.

Stay Resilient and Flexible: Understand that changing careers can involve setbacks or challenges. Stay resilient, adapt to changes, and remain open to new opportunities that align with your career goals.

Ultimate Guide on How People Successfully Change Careers

Embarking on the journey to a fulfilling career is often long and unfolds step by step. Rarely does anyone enter the workforce with a clear vision of their ideal job. In fact, by age 50, the average person has held 12 different jobs in search of that perfect match. For many, this requires changing careers completely.

As of April 2024, roughly 3.5 million workers made the leap, leaving their current roles for new career options. This trend has only grown in popularity in the post-pandemic workplace. With the accelerated adoption of remote work, e-commerce, and automation, many people are reevaluating their professional priorities in a challenging job market.

So if you’re considering a career change, you’re not alone. Taking action on these thoughts, however, can be daunting. For some, it can mean deserting a stable job to head down an uncharted path. For others, switching job functions mid-career may mean a lateral move, which can feel like a step backward—but it doesn’t have to be.

Every phase of your career journey is a chance to discover more about who you are—your unique talents, passions, obstacles, and what you value in a work environment. Career choices you may perceive as “missteps” often prove to be the most informative and transformational on the journey to a fulfilling career.

What’s more, the notion of career fit is a two-way street. Most employers would prefer that you feel enthusiastic, engaged, and fulfilled in your role because happy employees are more productive employees. Understanding when it’s time to move on from your current role to pursue other passions can be a win-win for everyone.

If you’re reading this, chances are you feel the current career path you’re on might not be right for you. Take this opportunity to examine your feelings toward your current role and consider these key signs when determining whether making a career change is right for you. If you can relate to the descriptions below, keep reading to discover what you can do to get out of your rut and into the career you’ve always desired.

career change to IT

Signs It’s Time to Change Careers

1. You’re Apathetic and Complacent

Many people consult Job Market Watch for this reason. As each day passes, you feel increasingly disconnected from your original reasons for entering the field. Mentally, you’ve checked out; you’re underperforming, your deadlines are slipping, and you just can’t muster the energy to fake enthusiasm about the company’s mission anymore. But this isn’t normally like you. What’s going on? The truth is, even at a job you’re passionate about, there are times when work is just going to feel like work. But if you can’t remember the last time you felt energized by a new idea or invigorated by your next project, it might be time to reevaluate your role.

2. You Don’t Feel Like You’re Making an Impact

Your job duties are the same day in and day out. Every day looks and feels identical–you’re simply performing on autopilot. You feel undervalued—like your time and talents are being wasted, and your greatest skills aren’t being put to use. Over time you’ve stopped actively seeking out new opportunities to contribute, demoralized. It’s time to find a new role that plays to your strengths, provides opportunities to develop new skills, and allows you to make meaningful contributions. Your career should boost your self-esteem, not diminish it.

3. You Dread Going to Work

Everyone has those days when you hit the snooze button one too many times, or it takes a little extra boost to get up and out to work. Maybe the project you’re working on just doesn’t excite you, or you’re anxious about a meeting with the boss. But this is different—this is every day. You live for the weekend, but despite your best efforts, the dread of Monday creeps in by Saturday night. If you find yourself this dissatisfied with your current role, it’s time to think about what other areas of work might better align with your passions and how to get there.

Burn out at work

4. Even Your Salary Can’t Make Up for Your Dissatisfaction

The pay might be good, but the work is mindless and dreadful. At one point, you could justify staying because of the paycheck, but now, even that isn’t enough. You find yourself watching the second hand of the clock tick by during meetings. You’ve reached Tuesday after a long weekend and you’re already marking your calendar until the next vacation day. While you appreciate the stability your job provides, you’re beginning to feel like you’re wasting your potential. These are clear signs that someone could use a change.

5. Your Job is Affecting Your Personal Life

Work should be challenging, but not debilitating. If you’re chronically exhausted, losing sleep, suffering from headaches, or experiencing other physical symptoms, this may be your body’s way of telling you your career is not right for you. It’s important to remember that your professional life shouldn’t seep into your personal life. In fact, being permanently stressed can impact your relationships with others close to you. Have your friends and family commented on your irritability or constant complaining?

If work is turning you into an unhappy or bitter person, start to explore activities that will make you feel like yourself again.

6. You Daydream About a New Career

You spend your lunch breaks thinking about what you’d do in “your next life” and relishing the thought of how you would deliver your two-weeks’ notice. You find yourself browsing job boards instead of work emails, and you’re starting to become jealous of your friends’ careers, wondering how they landed such “perfect” jobs. You cringe when people ask you what it is you do because you wish it were something different. You’ve thought about leaving, you’ve even brought the idea up to friends in passing conversation. Would you leave your job “if you could?” If so, it’s time to go.

How to change career

6 Steps to Changing Careers

1. Get Specific About What’s Not Working


First, take time to understand what exactly is causing you so much distress in your job. Does your dissatisfaction stem from external factors, such as your co-workers, boss, organizational culture, or even the commute? If so, would switching teams or leaving the company remedy your unhappiness, or do you still have that same sense of dread thinking about the work you’ll be doing, regardless of a change in scenery? If your discontent is related to the functional responsibilities inherent to the job itself, a more drastic change may be in order.

2. Identify What You Like About Your Current Role


Think back to when you first started in your current role. What were your motivations? Was it the day-to-day responsibilities? The promise of career growth? Then, examine the parts of your job you still find enjoyable and seek to understand why they interest you. Is it the creativity your role involves? Strategic thinking? Number crunching? Do you love the constant change or crave stability? Keep these themes in mind when looking toward your next role. By assessing your current likes and dislikes, you’ll have a better grasp on areas to seek out or avoid in your next career move.

3. Consider Your Core Values


In any job, it’s important to find a good cultural fit. Examine your values and understand what type of company culture will complement your personality. Do you value autonomy, community, or innovation? Would you be uncomfortable working somewhere where maintaining the status quo is encouraged? Or maybe it’s important to you that you’re working toward a benevolent cause.

Whatever your values, when taking this type of self-inventory, it’s important to be honest with yourself. Think about those friends’ jobs you covet. Are you actually interested in their role, or is it really the freedom and empowering culture you crave? Find out what makes you feel alive, even if it’s not what you (or others) think you “should” be doing. It may be that your values have changed since you first started working—and that’s okay. Just be clear on your priorities today.

4. Assess Your Strengths and Skill Gaps


If it were not for money, time, location, or whatever other reason, what would you be doing? Now is the time to figure out how to do just that. While a complete one-eighty isn’t feasible overnight, examine how your current role and your ideal role overlap. Think about your transferable skills, related experience, and network connections that can help you make the most credible transition, particularly if your current and dream jobs are worlds apart.

It’s also wise to chart out the gaps in your skills and experience that may get in the way. You may need to get creative: start a side gig, engage in part-time internships, or even return to school. Carving out a career that’s rewarding and pays the bills can take time, so be patient, and develop your plan.

5. Research Popular Jobs for Career Changers


While the ideal job for you will depend on your unique background and interests, certain fields present fewer barriers to entry and are more open to hiring career changers than others. Career changers often find success in high-paying fields like computer science and writing, for example, amongst others. These are in high demand, provide competitive salaries, and offer many different pathways to enter the field. For example, someone interested in gaining computer science skills can participate in a coding bootcamp, take online courses, enroll in an undergraduate program, or pursue a master’s degree.

6. Develop and Execute Your Plan


After a thorough self-assessment, map out your goals, identifying short-term milestones along the way, and give yourself reasonable timelines. Perfect and polish your personal brand to boost your career search. And along the way, focus on expanding your network and reaching out to old contacts, and continually developing your skills.

Expanding Your Network

When you’re searching for a new job in the same industry, networking is a powerful way to find new job opportunities. But when you’re changing careers, networking is even more essential. To be successful, try these networking tips:

Join a Professional Association


You don’t need to have a certain number of years of experience or a particular level of expertise to join an industry association. The great thing about joining an association is that it can help you expand your network, find a mentor, and stay up-to-date on the latest trends and best practices in your new field.

Connect with Alumni


Your college or university alumni association is a valuable resource to tap into, especially if you’re looking to change careers. Reach out to alumni in your field of interest to learn more about their career paths and experiences. You might be surprised at how willing people are to offer advice and help you make connections.

Attend Industry Events


Attend conferences, seminars, and workshops in your desired industry. These events are great places to meet people who can provide insight into the field and potentially help you find a job.

Use LinkedIn


LinkedIn is a powerful tool for networking and job searching. Make sure your profile is up-to-date and reflects your career change goals. Join LinkedIn groups related to your new field and participate in discussions to increase your visibility.

Practical Tips for a Career Change

Changing careers can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. Here are some practical tips to help you make a successful transition:

Update Your Resume and Cover Letter


Your resume and cover letter should highlight your transferable skills and relevant experience. Tailor them to the specific job you’re applying for, and make sure to emphasize your enthusiasm for the new field.

Gain Relevant Experience


If possible, try to gain relevant experience in your new field before making the full transition. This could be through part-time work, internships, volunteer opportunities, or freelance projects. Not only will this experience boost your resume, but it will also help you confirm that the new career is the right fit for you.

Consider Additional Education or Training


Depending on the field you’re entering, you may need additional education or training. Research the necessary qualifications and consider enrolling in courses, certifications, or degree programs that will help you build the required skills and knowledge.


Changing Careers at Different Ages

Changing Careers at 30

At 30, you’re still early in your career, which means you have plenty of time to explore different paths and make a successful transition. Here’s how to approach a career change at this stage:

  1. Self-Assessment: Reflect on your interests, strengths, and values to identify a new career that aligns with your passions.
  2. Networking: Leverage your existing network and build new connections in your desired field.
  3. Skill Development: Identify any skill gaps and pursue additional education or training if necessary.
  4. Experience: Seek out opportunities to gain relevant experience through internships, part-time work, or volunteer positions.
Career change at 40 years old

Changing Careers at 40

Changing careers at 40 can be more challenging due to increased responsibilities and potential financial constraints, but it’s still very achievable. Here’s how to approach a career change at this stage:

  1. Clarify Your Goals: Define what you want to achieve in your new career and set clear, realistic goals.
  2. Leverage Transferable Skills: Highlight your transferable skills and experiences that are relevant to your new career.
  3. Seek Guidance: Consider working with a career coach or mentor to help you navigate the transition.
  4. Network Strategically: Focus on building a network within your desired industry to gain insights and opportunities.

Changing Careers at 50

Changing careers at 50 can be intimidating, but it can also be incredibly rewarding. Here’s how to approach a career change at this stage:

  1. Evaluate Your Motivations: Understand why you want to change careers and what you hope to achieve.
  2. Research Thoroughly: Conduct thorough research on your desired industry and the opportunities available.
  3. Update Your Skills: Stay current with industry trends and consider updating your skills through courses or certifications.
  4. Showcase Your Experience: Emphasize your wealth of experience and how it can benefit potential employers in your new field.

Changing Careers to Specific Fields

Changing Careers to IT

Information Technology (IT) is a rapidly growing field with numerous opportunities. Here’s how to make a successful transition into IT:

  1. Identify Your Interest: Determine which area of IT interests you the most (e.g., cybersecurity, software development, data analysis).
  2. Learn the Basics: Start with foundational courses or bootcamps that cover the basics of your chosen area.
  3. Gain Practical Experience: Work on personal projects, contribute to open-source projects, or seek internships to gain hands-on experience.
  4. Certifications: Obtain relevant certifications (e.g., CompTIA, Cisco, Microsoft) to enhance your credentials.
  5. Network: Join IT communities, attend industry events, and connect with professionals in the field.

Changing Careers to Nursing/Healthcare

Nursing and healthcare offer rewarding career opportunities for those passionate about helping others. Here’s how to make a successful transition into this field:

  1. Research Roles: Explore different roles within healthcare (e.g., registered nurse, medical assistant, healthcare administrator) to find your fit.
  2. Educational Requirements: Determine the educational requirements for your chosen role and enroll in the necessary programs.
  3. Clinical Experience: Gain clinical experience through internships, volunteer work, or entry-level positions in healthcare settings.
  4. Licensure: Obtain the required licensure or certifications for your specific role (e.g., NCLEX for nurses).
  5. Professional Associations: Join professional associations and attend healthcare conferences to network and stay updated on industry trends.
Career change in healthcare

Changing Careers to Teaching

Teaching is a fulfilling career that allows you to make a positive impact on students’ lives. Here’s how to make a successful transition into teaching:

  1. Determine Your Subject Area: Decide which subject or grade level you want to teach.
  2. Educational Requirements: Research the educational requirements and certification process for teachers in your region.
  3. Teacher Training Programs: Enroll in a teacher training program or alternative certification program if you already have a degree in another field.
  4. Classroom Experience: Gain classroom experience through student teaching, substitute teaching, or volunteer work in schools.
  5. Professional Development: Continuously engage in professional development opportunities to enhance your teaching skills and stay current with educational best practices.

Changing careers is a significant decision that requires careful planning and dedication. By understanding the signs that it’s time to change, conducting a thorough self-assessment, researching potential new careers, and strategically building your skills and network, you can successfully transition into a fulfilling new career. Whether you’re in your 30s, 40s, or 50s, it’s never too late to pursue a career that aligns with your passions and goals.

Job Market Watch can support your transition to a different career through our comprehensive coaching program, offering personalized guidance and resources to help you navigate this exciting new chapter in your professional life.

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